What a great product to work on. I was busy as a bee updating several Comvita sites to optimise the copy for SEO. I love honey, so this was a mouth-watering exercise.
I was supplied with keywords and then went through all the product pages to seed words and also keep the copy's tone of voice in line with the new brand strategy.

There was a lot to do and a lot to learn in a very short period. True Manuka honey and honey related products are highly sought after and very valuable. It was very important to convey the quality and originality of the products and the value they deliver and at the same time weave through essential keywords into the copy.
Keyword driven copy can sound stilted and artificial. Comvita has a fantastic story to tell and I did not want to compromise that. Their story is about their work with nature and my job was to bring that to the attention of as many people as possible.