Another great example of a Kiwi company punching well above their weight. Howick Steel export roll forming steel machinery all over the world. Their technology is cutting-edge and is in a segment of the construction industry that is showing exponential growth.
These are very expensive machines and they have a customer base that is spread all over the world, so it is not as though they can go out and start knocking on doors to drum up business. Their website is a tool to drive sales.

I was asked to write content about ongoing projects that Howick Steel are involved with to showcase their world leading contribution and position in this industry.
I was given the bones to a story and filled that out with content that displayed their expertise in their voice.
Howick have a sister company, Rollforming Services that use their machines to produce rolled form steel for construction project around the country.
Each month they produce a newsletter for clients to keep them informed about new developments in the industry, to showcase projects they have worked on and educational pieces that show the benefits of working with steel rather than wood.

I was asked to write several of these newsletters. I was given a list of the required subjects which I would research and write short form articles that could be emailed out and linked to the site.