Creating content for a business hub
Westpac were very keen to create content for their business customers. There is a lot of content already available to business customers, however the basics of starting a business are not well covered. Quite often this fundamental content is overlooked.
This presented an opportunity for Westpac to offer support to new business customers, it also had a business benefit of freeing up the time of their business staff. I was asked to write a series of videos that covered the basics of business. These are questions that their staff are asked time and time again. Giving their customers not only gives them the confidence to start a new business venture but also frees up the time of their staff.
Finding a good, relatable presenter for this audience is difficult and usually expensive but we were very lucky that one of the business specialists was happy to feature in the video. It is stressful standing in front of a camera but he took to it like a duck to water with a little encouragement and direction from me.
We filmed three in one day.